This is My Therapy

I started writing when I was ten years old.  I kept a diary with a lock on it that I got for Christmas one year.  Nothing I wrote needed to be shared with anyone, nor did it need a locking mechanism, but that’s how it all began.  This is how it’s been going.

This blog was dormant for 5 years from 2017 until early 2022.  The reason why is a long story that starts out horribly bad but ends with me getting my computer back.

When I finally did log back in, I didn’t know where to start.  I’m not quite sure if I am a good writer, or if I just have these fleeting moments of clarity where I can transcribe my feelings onto a computer screen and someone somewhere can relate.   If you think about it, it’s pretty rare to be able to say some words to describe some feeling you have and have someone hear you and then understand you.  In my world, that is like catching lightning in a bottle.  Unfortunately, I have a ton of empty bottles around me, but I never look back and I try not to look down.

I can’t say that I planned it this way, but after all the shit I’ve been through, and after being lost and found again and again, I am pretty happy with the way it all turned out.  Truth be told, I wouldn’t change a thing.

©2015 – 2022 Christian Marc and

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Christian Marc and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

60 thoughts on “This is My Therapy

  1. Now you got me on this,”Don’t let anyone make you think that you have to limit yourself to 140 characters.That’s not real life”

    This is real life:when you take off every limitation to express yourself,pour out those thoughts that keep coming in.There’s no better way to achieve this than to provide yourself the platform

    Liked by 1 person

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