This Is The End

This is the end of this blog and I’m doing it for the right reasons.

When I started this back in 2010 I didn’t really have a goal and I didn’t really have a purpose, I just wanted to write about the experiences I’ve had in my life. I wanted to have an outlet for my drama, and I wanted a way to look back at it years later and say Man, I’m glad I made that decision.” or “My God look at how much of an ass I was.” Both have happened.

I learned to laugh at myself and to not take things so seriously all the time I hoped that my silly stories and ironic experiences would’ve inspired other people to not give up or to try to see the bright side of everything.

I hoped that some of my experiences would resonate with people and they would laugh with me at myself and maybe see a little bit of me in them. Yet all I really wanted was to tell the truth which I always do and hope that people understand why I do the things I do and why I can’t lie about anything. So why start now?

The truth is….I cant go on with this blog because I can’t write the truth about my life anymore. People can be jealous and evil and they have taken my words and used them against me, or they have accused me of slander and had their lawyers read over an entry 15 times to look for examples of libel. They have threatened their own children and forbid them from commiserating with me.

That’s not why I started this blog, but that is the reason it is coming to an end. If something you do is hurting someone you love you stop doing that thing. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t just create another one and continue on.

Thank you for reading my words and commenting, and thank you for being inspired by my stories enough to write me a personal message about them, even if it was a cease and desist letter from your lawyer or a promise to call the cops on me if I stepped foot on your property. I truly appreciate all your love.

Bye for now.

-christian marc

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